Foto: Jim Campbell

Foto: Jim Campbell

Foto: Jim Campbell

Foto: Jim Campbell

Foto: Jim Campbell

Foto: Jim Campbell

Francis FootworkTanzworkshop & Virtual-Reality Aufführung

Sat 25.01.2025 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Staatstheater Wiesbaden - Ballettsaal

Meeting point Bühneneingang 14:45 Uhr

Sun 26.01.2025 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Staatstheater Darmstadt - Ballettsaal

Meeting point Foyer Kammerspiele 14:45 Uhr

FRANCIS FOOTWORK by David Bolger is a virtual reality dance piece about freedom of expression and individuality.
A participatory workshop and VR experience for young people aged 8-11

When the kind-hearted King Two Lefties ascends the throne, he is persuaded by his trusted advisor Colonel Headbanger to rule the country with an iron fist. He wants to put an end to all dancing. So Francis gives him a dancing lesson he will never forget!

First, the children are introduced to the story of Francis Footwork and his various characters in a short workshop. This is done with words - in a captivating story - and by means of simple, lively and playful movement tasks. This is followed by the VR experience or performance: the children use VR glasses to immerse themselves in the virtual world of Francis Footwork. The event concludes with a joint follow-up discussion where we can share our impressions and experiences.

Trailer (via Youtube)